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Walmington-On-Sea Home Guard

Walmington-On-Sea Home Guard

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The Home guard Arrive!

Tutoring 8
Skill 7
Idea 10
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So the models from Wargames foundry have arrived and there great! the infantry where all easy to clean up. The big gun took for ever to clean up as there was flash and little needles everywhere! But now it’s on to waiting for the base’s to arrive. Also there is some gaps:-

  • 3 Sheep
  • Hunting Club BAR
  • Sniper Team
  • ATS Squad
  • Jones Van
  • Staff Car

Looking forward to getting these guys all built and painted though.

So for the big gun, i decided to have the characters man it, So Lance Corporal Jones is the gunner, Sergeant Wilson is over seeing and Private Walker is watching on trying not to laugh. There’s also a Spotter.

The Home guard Arrive!

For my MMG, i’m going to try and build the window from the show that they where set up in. Also I have Private Fraiser overseeing the gun.

The Home guard Arrive!

and just to show off all the characters here’s my Lt with mate and Medic. Can you guess who they are?

The Home guard Arrive!

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