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Adventures is Quarantine Gaming

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Solo Core Space (Part 5)

Tutoring 0
Skill 0
Idea 0
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Turn 10

The event card this turn is Whats it worth, offering me the chance to see the next 3 event cards for 2UA and I decide to pass on this.

Still running for their lives Jace and Lars move twice again.

No more harvesters to add but a new devastator appears.

The devastator takes a shot at Lars through the window and misses. An the assassin shots finish off Gan’eek and he is killed again.

Kadri attacks and gets 1 hit, not enough to take out a harvester.

Treva Jole gets the live one and is replaced with a live one.

Things are getting iffy now, the traders are running with a live one and an assassin close behind along with the rest of the purge.

Solo Core Space (Part 5)

Turn 11

The penultimate event card is Unseen enemies, which raises the hostility by 3.

Again both traders are moving twice heading for the ship.

The devastator hits Lars for 4, cover mitigates 1 and armour takes care of another, so he takes 2 damage.

The live one hits Lars for 2 but cover and armour mitigates this.

The assassin takes out Butler and the harvesters finally finishes off Kadri.

Managed not to take a picture of this turn.

Turn 12

The last event card is Live one Intervention which blasts all non-purge within short range but there are none.

Jace runs for the ship, and moves twice causing an attack of opportunity from a harvester which misses.

Lars moves twice making the ship and that ends the game on the final turn and we just made it.

Solo Core Space (Part 5)

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