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24 years and counting - Spring cleaning challenge

24 years and counting - Spring cleaning challenge

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Starting on the small gribbly beasts

Tutoring 2
Skill 6
Idea 6
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Next in my list of things to paint are the small flappy and nibbly beasts.

im missing one bat and one rat but im sure that wont be too much of a problem in game.

the rats are from the superb reaper bones range the gw rats were cool but prefer these as they have multiple poses and are on cool bases that are more stable, plus my fiance says they look super cute.

the rest of the beastys are the origional gw models.

i have used contrast paints for the spiders rats and bats, im really enjoying how much faster it is to paint with contrast paints and the different effects you can achieve just by changing the under coat colour and or the consistency of the contrast colour with the contrast medium.

im definately going to invest in more contrast colours in the future.


The spiders were a blast to paint and were  super quick. They were based with corax white, then painted with the contrast purple mixed with contrast medium about 50/50. Then the body was painted with black templar, the eyes were then painted yellow. The last thing i did was drybush the spiders all over with wraith bone.The spiders were a blast to paint and were super quick. They were based with corax white, then painted with the contrast purple mixed with contrast medium about 50/50. Then the body was painted with black templar, the eyes were then painted yellow. The last thing i did was drybush the spiders all over with wraith bone.
These little dudes were undercoated with wraith bone then slopped over with snake bite leather which i think is the best contrast by far. It was a great day when they re released that colour. They were then drybrushed with wraithbone and are now ready for the table.These little dudes were undercoated with wraith bone then slopped over with snake bite leather which i think is the best contrast by far. It was a great day when they re released that colour. They were then drybrushed with wraithbone and are now ready for the table.
Loads of snotlings, was not looking forward to painting these chaps but they were actually loafs of fun.Loads of snotlings, was not looking forward to painting these chaps but they were actually loafs of fun.
Bats, these chaps were fun to paint as well mainly used contrasts. Shame one is missing im sure it will turn up oneday.Bats, these chaps were fun to paint as well mainly used contrasts. Shame one is missing im sure it will turn up oneday.

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