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Mages Arcworlde Spring-cleaning 08/06 1x Mini-update

Mages Arcworlde Spring-cleaning 08/06 1x Mini-update

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General Update: Past, Present and Future

Tutoring 7
Skill 8
Idea 8

Hey guys,


A quick general update. I wanted to post three things: what I have already completed for some time, what I just did, what I am working on now, and what I will be doing toward the end of the project.


It also gives me a good chance to clear some photo space on my phone.


First up we have ‘The Explorer’ who is the second of four sculpts, I believe (Kickstarter Exclusive, General Release, the Troubles in the North expansion and the Second Edition version). He was completed waaaaaay back like two or three Christmases ago approximately. I did not want to put too much if any of the stuff I have already done with my collection as it kind of feels like cheating since it is not part of the ‘Spring Clean Challenge’ it is already long finished.

General Update: Past, Present and Future
General Update: Past, Present and Future

Next is a bad shot of my finished ‘Captain Bullhoof’s Halflings’ and about a third of my normal Halfling Warband. They were the most recent thing to be finished and this is a bad shot of them before priming and having grass and tufts applied. Stay tund for more on these guys!

General Update: Past, Present and Future

Next up is my current WIP: the remainder of my regular Halfling Warband. Not a great shot but it does not need to be as they are WIPs. There are five archers and four spearmen of the Milita. I have custody of my son for a few days so progress on them will be slow. I hope to finish them while he is asleep and I think three or four evenings should do it.

General Update: Past, Present and Future

Finally there is this chap. He is no longer available and was only available for a limited time. I think he was heavy toll on the molds and is getting a resculpt for Second Edition. This is the Forest Dragon whom I have yet to name. He was primed grey, and given a few different coats of green and a wash via a spray gun before I mothballed him for like two years. It was an awesome Christmas present and I should hang my head in shame for not doing him sooner.


He is next in line after the nine remaining Halflings and at a guess he will be my sole focus for at least one week, among doing other things.

General Update: Past, Present and Future

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Cult of Games Member

A lovely job on some of my favourite series of minis. Keep it up matie, I am really enjoying your work.

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