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Spring cleaning: Zacharias the Everliving

Spring cleaning: Zacharias the Everliving

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Base colours

Tutoring 1
Skill 2
Idea 2
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Base colours

I used contrast paints to provide base colours for almost the entire model. There are just a few metalics that have not been touched yet, and the base has not used contrast paints.

The zombie dragon was painted black templar all over, then I used wraithbone to repaint the bone and exposed flesh areas. Then the exposed flesh was painted blood angels red followed by another touch up with wraithbone. The bones and horns were then painted skeleton horde and the tongue volupus pink. Leather belts and ropes were painted wyldwood.

Zacharias’ robes were painted shyish purple. His skin was painted basilicanum grey. His book and staff orb were painted volupus pink. His staff and sandles were painted wyldwood. His scrolls were painted apothecary white and his spirit was painted gryph-hound orange.

The tree on the base has been painted nihilakh oxide and the raised areas of ground have had a thick layer of stirland battlemire applied.

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