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Random Stuff (with good reason)

Random Stuff (with good reason)

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First pledge

Tutoring 3
Skill 6
Idea 7
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Our gaming group’s pledge challenge went live two weeks ago, the first one to be concluded at the end of April. As I am a slow painter and still had to work from home I decided not to pledge anything too challenging.

First pledge

So we have, at least build Saint Celestine and Belisarius Cawl, paint 14 Snow Troopers, Zero Year Batman from Gotham City Chronicles and test paint 1 Sigmarine and 1 Nighthaunt with hopefully spare time to add more.

Within the first couple of days I did get Cawl, Celestine and her helpy helpers built. They were such a pain in the arse I decided painting can wait till a week after never……. unless I grow a spine first!

Up next Zero Year Batman.

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