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Adventures is Quarantine Gaming

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Solo Core Space (Part 2)

Tutoring 0
Skill 0
Idea 2
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Turn 2

The event card is Rising Tension which means 2 harvesters straight away and all harvesters get an extra action, not the best start.

Jace moves to the crate and searches finding an Outland Energy Rifle, Shield Belt & an ammo box. He takes the lot.

Lars moves twice up to the green crate.

The purge dice comes up 2 harvesters and then they all get 2 actions! 3 of them close in on Lars and it looks like I forgot to move the one near Jace.

Gan’eek moves into cover.

Kadri also moves to cover.

Butler moves but the direction is off the mat so he stays still.

End of turn 2End of turn 2

Turn 3

The event card drawn is The Law of Sod, this impacts a trader choosen by the first player, i’m going to ignore this one.

Jace moves and shoots with burst fire, scoring 2 hits and killing the first harvester.

Lars moves twice and harvester gets an attack of opportunity which comes up blank and jam.

The purge dice comes up blank. The harvester split up with 2 going after Gan’eek and one chasing Lars.

Gan’eek moves away from the purge.

Kadri moves.

Butler takes a shot at Lars but comes up with a jam.

End of turn 3End of turn 3

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