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Mongolian Fantasy Army

Mongolian Fantasy Army

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Researching Mongolian Landscapes

Tutoring 12
Skill 3
Idea 16
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The obvious choice is Steppe Lands as its synonymous with our visuals of Mongolia.

Researching Mongolian Landscapes

But I’d really like to find some stand out element that I can use as a detail to further theme the army.

So after some research, I have found that Mongolia is home to beautiful Apricot trees and they go through a blossom bloom.

Researching Mongolian Landscapes

The combination of the almost jet black tree with the white and light pink blossoms could be a beautiful combination to make a stand out setting for this army!

Below are some more options for floral options to theme the army…

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Cult of Games Member

All I know about Mongolia is thay the temperature ranges from -40 to +40 and it’s where the Black Death originally came from

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