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Infinity Spring Cleaning

Infinity Spring Cleaning

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Massive error: PSA

Tutoring 5
Skill 4
Idea 4
Massive error: PSA

So…this mini came with a thoroughly bent and malformed wavy sword. In all my wisdom I thought “I know, I’ll heat this up and that should make it a lot easier to get it back into shape”. That, at least with a flame, was a truly massive error.

It was the first and last time I’ll try that as pewter (I think that’s what this is?) goes from solid to melted in the blink of an eye. So now, instead of a bent sword, the mini has no sword.

Any suggestions on the best way to create/find & attach a Japanese style sword?

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Cult of Games Member

If it was me I’d sculpt one with green stuff around the wire of a paperclip, leaving some of the wire protruding so you can drill the model and superglue it into place.

Cult of Games Member

Tough luck.

I recently changed a sword on my Crane LE (I hate that fat, short abomination he was given), I tried sculpting, but it was way too fiddly for my abilities. I thought about cutting one out of plasticard (HIPS or however you call it) but 1mm thickness I had was way too thick. In the end I casted the sword using blue-staff from GSW and their UV resin. I used sword from Daofei as original to create the mold. If you need more info or pictures, please ask.

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