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ECW - resurrection after 40 years

ECW - resurrection after 40 years

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Basing the figures

Tutoring 5
Skill 8
Idea 8

Before basing the figures I play around with different formations, placing key figures in alternative places to see what the overall look is. Better to spend some time now rather than realize there wasn’t enough room for the Officer afterwards!

Once the “look” is OK, I use UHU glue to fix the miniatures to the Art base, and once cured, the first coat if watered pva (50/50) goes down followed by fine sand.  I picked up the sand I use years ago from an old builders merchant, and it has lasted years and still has years to go.  Other fine sand will also do.

The pva/sand mix does two things. It creates a reasonable texture for the ground, and it helps to fix the minis in place.

After it has dried a second pva mix is applied wherever I want some “grass” and this is flocked.  I tend to flock almost all the base as I just don’t like to look of the patchwork approach of grass and mud. But I’m sure there are many occasions when this look is ideal.

Then it’s just a case of letting everything dry and apply a final well watered pva wash to seal the flock.  I use a 10% pva wash.  And that’s it.

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applemakChris Oeffinger Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

Nice work. What scale are these miniatures?

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