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24 years and counting - Spring cleaning challenge

24 years and counting - Spring cleaning challenge

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12 x Angry night goblins with very pointy sticks

Tutoring 2
Skill 4
Idea 4
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The game contains six goblins with spears  but as i had 12 in my box thought i would do them all to future proof myself. I think i swapped the old goblins from the game with a mate for the newer night goblins quite a while ago.

looks like i had started them by painting them a very dark grey with green skin then gave up , i thought i would try the contrast black templar over the top. I gave it a bit of a water down with contrast medium  and i am quite pleased with the result.

To brighten them up as they were looking a bit dull i gave them bright yellow moons on the sheilds.

Group of angry half painted gobbosGroup of angry half painted gobbos
The same group of goblins still looking angry but in dapper new rags.The same group of goblins still looking angry but in dapper new rags.
12 x Angry night goblins with very pointy sticks

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