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The Mausoleum Proxxon experiment

The Mausoleum Proxxon experiment

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And Slattered with paint.

Tutoring 1
Skill 3
Idea 3

After adding some beads from my wife’s collection on top of the collumn, I did some sculpting with putty, because it looked like they where floating on the columns.

That was basically the build. I painted it using washes and drybrushes. I experimented a bit with staining it, to make it look weathered a bit.
I’m happy with the result. My new Hot wire cutter and the attachments are a definate upgrade to what I had and I’m looking forward to what I can do with it.

And Slattered with paint.
And Slattered with paint.
And Slattered with paint.

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Shingendarkvoivod Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

Looking very cool.
Have you kickstarted the German book on use of the table and shifting lands tools?

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