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Anno Domini 1666

Anno Domini 1666

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Cards and sleeves

Tutoring 7
Skill 9
Idea 16

This game comes with a lot of cards in different sizes. Hundreds of them! To protect them I wanted to put them in sleeves. Never having played collectible card games the world of sleeves was new to me.

This are the sizes of sleeves you need for AD1666 and the ones I bought. I choose matt sleeves.

  • Mini American for equipment cards; Board Game Sleeves (Non-Glare): Mini (50 in a box)
  • Standard MTG for character cards and game cards (the game uses these cards instead of dice); Dragon Shield Card Sleeves: Standard Matt (63x88mm) (100 in a box)
  • Double MTG size for some characters; Mayday Card Sleeves (Premium): Custom Tiny Epic Kingdoms (88x125mm) (50 in a box)

I bought 400 mini American sleeves, 400 standard sleeves and 50 double size sleeves. That should be enough.

Cards and sleeves

To my surprise I enjoyed putting all my cards in sleeves. It’s an opportunity to take a closer look at all the cards in the game and may help to grasp the game better later. At the end I had some sleeves left, but not that many. For the mini American sleeves: 350 is enough. Ah well, they have plans for a new Kickstarter to expand on this game. Without a doubt with a lot more cards…

Now I need to store all these sleeved cards somehow. The boxes in which the sleeves come can be used to store them once there filled. There is even room on the boxes to wright down the content. But for the character cards, I wanted something special: an album. I bought the Dragon Shield Card Codex in the photos bellow. The cards look great in it.

Cards and sleeves
Cards and sleeves

The eight pages the codex comes with aren’t enough. An extra set of 24 pages are far too many! I will certainly have enough pages for the cards of the follow up Kickstarter.

With all my cards sleeved and properly stored, the next step is to start painting miniatures. This may take some time. I have another project to finish first.

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Cult of Games Member

My all-in pledge arrived recently too, and yesterday I finally opened it and went through everything (and managed to condense everything down into fitting into just the main box and the 3-4 player expansion box). I haven’t sleeved my cards and most of the minis are now just in plastic bags ‘squished’ together in one of the boxes but it’s more manageable. I look forward to seeing how you get on. This was a kickstarter I backed, then regretted, thinking I’d never do anything with it, but now I’ve looked through it I’m inspired again and thinking how nice it… Read more »

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