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ECW - resurrection after 40 years

ECW - resurrection after 40 years

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ECW - Resurrection after 40 years

Tutoring 9
Skill 10
Idea 11
Markers:  These will follow a simple process of fixing the individual figure to a base, painting it, and adding flock or similar as in the picture.Markers: These will follow a simple process of fixing the individual figure to a base, painting it, and adding flock or similar as in the picture.

I am living in the Balkans right now and there are no “proper” gaming shops here. So, I’ll have to make do with what I have collected during visits to the UK or Europe in the last few years.  The bases I am using for the casualty markers were purchased some time ago for what, I have no idea anymore!  But they’ll come in useful now.

Once the figure is painted, I make the base with diluted pva and water – about 50/50, and add very fine sand. Once dry I then add the flock, which is a Woodland Scenics pack – I think Summer Meadow, or similar title.  I am now looking at making my own flock using fine sawdust and acrylic paints.

A question I have yet to answer is whether to leave the bases black, or to colour them in some way.  I am considering either green to match the war-game board (covered with the old Citadel mats), or to go Red as a completely obvious marker.  I’ll try some colors and post them. Comments welcome.

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Cult of Games Member

You say 40 years. What make are the figures your using?

Are they 15 or 25mm?

Good luck with the project

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