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ECW - resurrection after 40 years

ECW - resurrection after 40 years

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ECW - Resurrection after 40 years

Tutoring 5
Skill 6
Idea 10
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So, although they say the best battle plans are redundant after the first shot is fired, at least some kind of plan would be a good thing.  So here goes:

The rules I play are based around Principles of War, which are a base movement game, without individual figure removal. The base is 18cm wide, which is 3 x the oft used 6 cm square bases seen in many games. I will not change this during this re-boot.  Also it is flexible enough for me as a solo player, and also simple enough for my son. (No lengthy figure movement phase – he wants to get into the action immediately!) Also, it means I can adapt the excellent “Victory without Quarter” rules to make a simplified version for our games.

Both options require some form of markers – Casualties, Brigade commanders,  and re-load – so I’ll work on these first.  Then I’ll look to paint and base up 3/4 more Foot regiments, before tackling the numerous cavalry bases and the artillery.

So, in the next few days I hope to have something to show you.  In passing, I picked up some Contrast paints when I was in France recently (for a different project) and will try these out for the first time on the Foot regiments first. I’ll stick to my simple 3-step paint job for the markers for now. Wish me luck

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