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Mages Arcworlde Spring-cleaning 08/06 1x Mini-update

Mages Arcworlde Spring-cleaning 08/06 1x Mini-update

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Crimson Rita

Tutoring 8
Skill 8
Idea 8
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Crimson Rita is a Halfling ‘Swords for Hire’ miniature. This metal mini appears to be a tongue-in-cheek ‘Red Sonja’ reference if I’m not mistaken. I had a lot of fun painting it. The armour is two thin coats of both Leadbelcher and Stormhost silver, follwed by Contrast Akhelian Green spread thinly over it, with Stormhost Silver as an edge highlight with the scales.


Sadly I do not have a ‘before picture’ as I conincientally started back into playing ArcWorlde when my girlfriend picked it from amongst the various games I have to play and we had a great time doing so. I decided to paint up one mini for the faction she was using to have something new to use next time and it snowballed from there.


When I came back to this model, she was simply primed black and had her skin done as follows:


  • Bugmans Glow (two thin coats)
  • Cadian Fleshtone
  • Reikland Fleshshade (not too heavy)
  • Kisleve Flesh (edge highlight)
Crimson Rita
Crimson Rita
Crimson Rita
Crimson Rita

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