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spring clean challenge - ebay rescue wood elves

spring clean challenge - ebay rescue wood elves

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Tutoring 1
Skill 2
Idea 2
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I’d based all of these minis on mdf rounds, with slots, from Warbases. I like adding some weight to plastic minis and either use mdf or 25mm washers. I know that pennies and two pence coins are cheaper (round here you can get a bag of 95 pennies for only a pound…) but I find that textures and paint sticks easier to washers and mdf than coins.

The basing texture I use is an art material that they sell in Hobbycraft, the Range, and other places. It doesn’t smell, and dries quite quickly. It is water soluble so if you get some in the wrong place it washes off with a damp brush.

At this stage, all I have done is paint the finished texture in Vallejo Olive Grey. Later on, I may add flock or similar. I wouldn’t add tufts until I’d done the flocking.

The unit filler for this unit is just a textured base. So long as you don’t take the mick using fillers is a good way of adding to your force by choosing easier to paint/cheaper items than minis.

Future ideas I have are for multi based minis, basing one mini onto a cavalry base, stakes, arrows stuck in the ground, broken shields and weapons. A lot of these double up for fatigue and other counters for various games.

I am not going to add any additional highlights to these minis at this stage. I am comfortable doing  that after they are based. At this stage I have a 15 strong unit of wood elf archers that look good from 3 feet away, which I brought inexpensively and was able to recycle from ebay and other sources. That works for me.

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