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spring clean challenge - ebay rescue wood elves

spring clean challenge - ebay rescue wood elves

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Base Coating

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 1
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`Because I wasn’t stripping back the minis I had to work with the original colour schemes in many cases.

I did make sure that I painted most of the cloaks Scale 75 Abyssal Blue, to provide a unifying scheme. I also painted nearly all the bows in Vallejo German Camo Dark Brown.

One of the minis had a neat, nice paint job which I kept, even though at this stage it didn’t fit in with the scheme I had chosen for the unit.

The unit was painted as a single batch, with me taking a given colour and applying to eg the trousers on one mini, the tunic on a third and fourth, and then the gloves on a fifth. This was done whenever time and Corona-brain allowed. Eventually, everything was base coated.

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