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spring clean challenge - ebay rescue wood elves

spring clean challenge - ebay rescue wood elves

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As part of the spring clean challenge, and as something to do during social distancing, I took a number of old Citadel plastic wood elves that I had acquired from ebay and jumble sales (about 30 years ago!) to turn into a unit for Oathmark, Saga, Warlords, and other similar fantasy miniatures games.

Most of the minis are from the first plastic set that GW did for Warhammer Fantasy, back in the 80’s. There are a couple of ‘Middlehammer’ era miniatures in there though, a Sylvan wood elf from their first Lord of the Rings range in the 80’s, and an Advanced Heroquest elf. There is also a simple unit filler in there, for games with ranked units. Because all of the games these days have different numbers of minis in the ‘basic’ unit (ie 5’s in Oathmark, 8’s in Saga, bases of 10 in Kings of War) using unit fillers is a good way of having the ‘right’ number of figures for a given game.


I didn’t want to just strip the minis and start again. This meant that I had to work with the existing primer or paint job. One mini had a broken bow, which I replaced with one from an Oathmark elf.


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