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Getting Zona Alfa to the tabbletop

Getting Zona Alfa to the tabbletop

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Finishing off the rubble & barricades

Tutoring 7
Skill 6
Idea 6
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After leaving all the paint to dry overnight, I finished weathering the terrain pieces, using a small piece of torn sponge I added some small patches of Vallejo 71.069 rust to the drum, girders, rebar & sheet metal. (I also decided I’d taken too much of the blue from the sheet metal so used another piece of sponge to add more 70.930 dark blue to  it).

Next I covered all of the terrain pieces with a GW nuln oil wash and a layer of army painter stong tone on the drum & window sills.  I finished by lightly sponging vallejo 71.072 gun metal onto some raised areas.

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