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Team Yankee forces by HegemonGary

Team Yankee forces by HegemonGary

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The Red Coats Are Coming!! Beginning The Armoured Tigers...

Tutoring 3
Skill 4
Idea 4

While I’m waiting on a delivery of some greenstuff and a load of tiny fighting men’s, so my Americans have enough infantry, I made a start on my British force.

The camo scheme for them is a tad simpler, the standard two tone, Green/Black, scheme. For this I used the same basic method as with the Chaos black Primer coat, liberal us of the panzer putty, then an airbrush coat of VMA Camouflage Dark Green,


The Red Coats Are Coming!! Beginning The Armoured Tigers...

Once that was sorted I then used a wash of Secret Weapons “Baby Poop”, such an odd name right?
Below you’ll see a picture of one of the scimitars with the wash and the other with out, once the wash was dry I give the mini’s a light drybrush of AP Banshee Brown over the green’s and Coat D’Arms Field Blue over the black’s.

Once I’d settled on how I was doing my cam scheme I set to work on the bulk of the force, The Warrior Armoured Infantry Company, which includes 3 platoons of 4 warrior, and the Company HQ of a single Warrior,(3d printed as I only needed one more.)

In addition to starting work on a Lynx Helicopter, Callsign Red Knight...

The force starting to come togetherThe force starting to come together

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hegemongaryAvernos Recent comment authors
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sweet, the windows on the chopper is oddly me favourite thing in this force. But then I’ve always been an odd ball

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