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Frostgrave - Undead Warband

Frostgrave - Undead Warband

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Statues and Objective

Tutoring 7
Skill 10
Idea 10
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Statues for the scenario that uses statues that come to life and an objective for the scenario that uses a tower with a special objective on top.Statues for the scenario that uses statues that come to life and an objective for the scenario that uses a tower with a special objective on top.

Finally, I knocked out some quick statues and an objective. My ultimate goal is to have miniatures and terrain painted up for each scenario. The statues are for a scenario where you grab loot and the statues come to life and fight you. The plinth is for the scenario where you have a special objective at the top of a tower. All of them will get the snow base treatment once my Apprentice is finished.

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