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Dark Lords of the Sith

Dark Lords of the Sith

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Count Dooku - Part 4: Face and Hands

Tutoring 3
Skill 4
Idea 4
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After gluing the two parts of Dooku together, all I had left to do was pick out a few details on his face and hands. I spent a bit of time trying to get a brown iris on the eyes. It kinda worked but I needed to tidy up around it afterwards. Mixing Kislev Flesh and Screaming Skull approximately 1-1, I also added a few final highlights to the brow, cheek bones, nose tip and the knuckles of the hands. I also mixed a little skull white with Light Grey to further lighten the hair and beard in a few places. For the lightsaber blade I have used Contrast Blood Angels Red however I’m not completely sold on the final result.

Once this was all dry I used the Vallejo mat varnish over the whole model (apart from the lightsaber blade).

Count Dooku - Part 4: Face and Hands

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