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Evilstu's Fantasy Progress 2020

Evilstu's Fantasy Progress 2020

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Chariots Done, Beasties Part 2 Underway

Tutoring 5
Skill 7
Idea 7

Have stopped tinkering with the three Beastmen chariots for now. The woodgrain on the added chariot platforms needs some serious rework but I will address that later,. For now they are tabletop ready. Which has given me the impetus to kick off the second part of the project, 90+ more infantry, 15 centigors, a block of minotaurs and dragon ogres and a couple of small units of doggies. Once I get through these I have some more Chaos prepped, plus the Dwarves ready to go and some more Forest Goblins I’m still assembling. So everything ready but the coffee…

Chariots Done, Beasties Part 2 Underway
Chariots Done, Beasties Part 2 Underway

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evilstuAvernos Recent comment authors
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lovely stuff, the chariots have come up a treat, I really must see if I can hunt some down to bulk out my own chariot units for Kings of War

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