Titan Forge Cyberpunk March Diorama
Setting the scene
The example image for this month’s Titan Forge release on Patreon looks really interesting, though I’ve never really been a massive fan of the “open lock” style tilesets. They tend to make terrain look a bit “box-y” and too regular (particularly when used for organic shapes, like dungeons and caves). But the square, modular appearance doesn’t necessarily look out of place for near-future gaming, so I thought I’d print some up and see how they looked.
As I was creating a diorama, rather than an entire playing area, I decided to go for a smaller, more “intimate” diorama.
I was printing six open-lock pieces at a time, flat onto the build-plate (I usually angle my prints and use supports, but thought I’d try the flat build, just to see how it worked out).
They turned out really nicely. Except I mis-calculated how much resin was needed on the first print, and ended up with some half-arsed pieces. Still, I reckon with a bit of millput and a file, I might be able to salvage them for use in the diorama.
After a whole day’s printing (I’m not sure that FDM printing would have been much quicker, and certainly the results wouldn’t look as good) I had my first set of open-lock tiles.
On the whole, they came out well. There was a bit of “elephant foot” on the sides that were stuck to the build plate, as can only be expected. I reckon a bit of sanding/filing should get rid of those unsightly ridges.
But in the main, a very promising start!
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