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Dark Lords of the Sith

Dark Lords of the Sith

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Tutoring 9
Skill 8
Idea 10

As ever, my first task was to prime the figures. I used a Khaki spray paint from Halfords which has become the staple for all of my Legion miniatures. Once the khaki was fully dry, I masked up the bases with tape and sprayed the figures with a black primer. The Khaki will be the colour of my base rims and serve as a good colour for the texturing.
The Dooku miniature is conveniently separated at the junction of his chest, where a chain links his cloak. I decided not to glue this part of the model together just yet as it would make painting inside the cloak much easier. I left the upper part of Count Dooku, comprising of his cloak, head and arms, Khaki. This would serve as a good base colour for the flesh and the cape. The rest of Dooku and of course Vader, will be primarily black!


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graystoakIan Davies Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

I’m very interested in this khaki primer. I use halfords primers because they are so consistent and good finish, white, grey, black, red and the yellow ‘filler’ primer, but haven’t seen a khaki. Can you add a pic of the can?
p.s. I’ve recently painted Dooku too, and it would have been much easier in two parts like you have, instead of trying to paint the cloak with his body in the way!

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