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Highlights from Last Session

Highlights from Last Session

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Some Pics From Our Last Two Sessions

Tutoring 1
Skill 4
Idea 3
Campaign area with the February 2020 situation in Syria ... with just a few Campaign area with the February 2020 situation in Syria ... with just a few "creative license" updates for the sake of the narrative in our campaign.
The actual operations area.  Three PMC teams are sent in on this mission (our RPG group is one of them) - with three basic missions.  Attack the red areas, defend the green areas, and the third NPC team supports the first two as needed.  Yes, how that The actual operations area. Three PMC teams are sent in on this mission (our RPG group is one of them) - with three basic missions. Attack the red areas, defend the green areas, and the third NPC team supports the first two as needed. Yes, how that "support team" is committed is a source of some "blue-on-blue" drama among the characters.
The map for our Forward Operation BaseThe map for our Forward Operation Base
Underneath the base, wouldn't you know it ... there was an enemy tunnel complex expanded from old 2nd Century early Christian ruins and catacombs.Underneath the base, wouldn't you know it ... there was an enemy tunnel complex expanded from old 2nd Century early Christian ruins and catacombs.
Our three teams and our vehicles - X Team Sigma has the JTLV, the Sultan and the HMMWV are allocated to our player characters in the center (X-Team 619), and X-Team 220 (the junior support team) has the MRAP to the right.Our three teams and our vehicles - X Team Sigma has the JTLV, the Sultan and the HMMWV are allocated to our player characters in the center (X-Team 619), and X-Team 220 (the junior support team) has the MRAP to the right.
Hell yeah, we had a dungeon crawl, and a some ISIS insurgents in the tunnels beneath the forward operation base.Hell yeah, we had a dungeon crawl, and a some ISIS insurgents in the tunnels beneath the forward operation base.
Air Ops Station WHISKEY is under attack!  Claymore mines set up by Templar earlier took out that first SAA Jeep that tried to cross that small bridge over the creek.Air Ops Station WHISKEY is under attack! Claymore mines set up by Templar earlier took out that first SAA Jeep that tried to cross that small bridge over the creek.
The HMMWV overruns a fireteam of Syrian regulars (SAA infantry loyal to the Assad regime), with Templar, Ajax, and Cleric (character call signs) engaged in a point-blank firefight!  Ajax on the .50!The HMMWV overruns a fireteam of Syrian regulars (SAA infantry loyal to the Assad regime), with Templar, Ajax, and Cleric (character call signs) engaged in a point-blank firefight! Ajax on the .50!
Taaki takes the Sultan on a charge down the center, and finds herself confronted with another SAA fireteam!Taaki takes the Sultan on a charge down the center, and finds herself confronted with another SAA fireteam!
The enemy technical (truck with a ZU-23-2 23mm twin autocannon) opens a long-range suppression fire on Sirius up on a distant ridge.The enemy technical (truck with a ZU-23-2 23mm twin autocannon) opens a long-range suppression fire on Sirius up on a distant ridge.
Sirius and his loyal Sirius and his loyal "battle dog" Bubblegum takes the brunt of enemy autocannon fire!
The carnage at the end of Site Whiskey's successful ... if hard-fought defense.The carnage at the end of Site Whiskey's successful ... if hard-fought defense.

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Hey everyone Ajax here. Just letting everyone know this game is very fun to play. You don’t have to be former military to actually play. Just come in with an open mind and willingness to make the story better and you will have a lot of fun. Thank you Jim, for coming up with a fun modern military RPG for some of us old skool table top players. So we are going into part three of this Desert Eagles episode. Things are starting to heat up in the desert as X-team 619 is finally back up to full strength. It… Read more »

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