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Bolt Action Japanese 1000pts army

Bolt Action Japanese 1000pts army

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Land of the resin sun.

Tutoring 4
Skill 10
Idea 6
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Land of the resin sun.

I decided to plow on making my Type 4 Ho-Ro Self-propelled gun.

I hadn’t hit the book for the points price etc, or list building at this point… I just trusted my younger self that i wouldn’t have bought the model if it wasn’t worth being in my list. This Tank option has a Heavy Howitzer which should upset most allied tanks that pose a problem.

If my opponent decides to leave his tanks at home, to make my anti-tank redundant without any targets, the High Explosive rounds from this fella can ruin a squads day instead. Equal opportunities fire giver. ?

Resin is not my favourite medium for hobbying because there always seems to be dramatic lumps where the mold entry meets the sculpt and plenty of swarf to be removed compared to plastic. This kit had a couple of metal pieces that worked neatly, but the the more perceptive of you will notice i sat the barrel too far back in the carriage and i am not sure how i managed to have one track longer at the back than the other, but on this occasion for some reason i am not phased by this enough to fix it and am happy to continue with my project.

Land of the resin sun.
Land of the resin sun.

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