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Bolt Action Japanese 1000pts army

Bolt Action Japanese 1000pts army

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Starting out.

Tutoring 7
Skill 7
Idea 13
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Starting out.
Starting out.

I started a basic Japan list years ago, but never got beyond buying a couple of resin kits and a Warlord Games infantry plastic minis box.

I already have a spreadsheet for a US Bolt Action list where i have entered the cost of irregular, regular and veteran troops and additional weapon choices etc so i can total the points cost.

I adapted this sheet to accept the same type of list building for the Japanese. Several tweaks were required as unit maximum headcounts and other changes weren’t applicable between the two factions.

I went to the Bolt Action Facebook web page and asked how i could field the FT17 in a Japan list fairly, even though they didn’t technically fight for Japan.

There was tons of interesting history thrown my way and they said i could use the cost of another Tankette on the actual Japan list, or the China list that actually has options to field a FT17 / 18.

I have chosen the China list option because it has built in special rules that reflect using WW1 kit in WW2 (One-man turret and Slow).

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