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Iron Cross - 6mm World War II miniature Wargame

Iron Cross - 6mm World War II miniature Wargame

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New Scenery for Iron Cross are on the way...

Tutoring 0
Skill 2
Idea 2
Availabe soon for your wargame table!!Availabe soon for your wargame table!!

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Antônio Marcelooriskany Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

Can I just say I love the scenario card design? Reminds me of the old Advanced Squad Leader days! 🙂

Cult of Games Member

@voxelhouse – another thing I like about this scenario in particular is the historical accuracy “hidden” in the forces. Without clubbing the players over the head, you’ve got correct 1941 Barbarossa / Typhoon units in there, and my favorite touch is the Pz 38 can be replaced by a Pz III. In other words, you can’t have BOTH Pz III and Pz 38 in this scenario. Certain German Panzer Divisions in 1941 (7th and 8th, I believe) had Pz 38ts INSTEAD of PzKpf IIIDs or Gs. In other words, a miniature table should almost never have BOTH Pz38s and PzIIIs… Read more »

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