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Mega City One - Sector 4

Mega City One - Sector 4

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Street Lights

Tutoring 7
Skill 10
Idea 9
1 Comment

I always felt like my Sci-Fi city was missing street lights and it has been something I have wanted to rectify for some time.

I found some really cheap Railway street lights that I removed the wiring from.  It would have been great to have them actually work but I needed them to be removable for storage.

After removing the wiring I added large magnets to the bottoms and painted the whole thing.  This is easy to do because both the base and light top are removable.  I just used spray paint to do mine.

I then stuck magnets underneath my terrain boards.  I made a simple guide out of cardboard so that I could ensure that each magnet was in the same place on each terrain tile.

Simple but effective.

More images can as always be found on my little blog.




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Cult of Games Member

Nifty setup!

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