40K: Kill Team - The Laughter of a Clown
The Kill Team so Far
Painted up a small kill team for Harlequins themed after the Masque of the Soaring Spite. Really love their colors. The harlequin pattern is incredibly annoying to paint, so this was a real challenge for me. Overall pretty happy with how it turned out. Still have several more players to paint up as well as a Death Jester, Shadow Seer and Solitaire.
This project is pretty low on my priority list as the stores I used to play at recently closed, so I’ve shifted to Marvel, Batman, Walking Dead and Frostgrave, which I play with my wife and friend. I’ll be updating those projects regularly as I finish things.
As I find time to knock out an individual Harlequin model I’ll update this project as well.
Those are some neat, crisp and vivid Harlequins, huge fan of this! 🙂
Thank you so much. I really appreciate the feedback. At some point I’m probably going to revisit them as I’ve recently learned how to do a much better highlight on black and I think these would really benefit from it.