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Evilstu's Fantasy Progress 2020

Evilstu's Fantasy Progress 2020

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Beasties almost completed.

Tutoring 7
Skill 9
Idea 8
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So I know I said that I wouldn’t be doing an army in a month again this year but here is the army I did this month. Turns out a zenithal preshade plus contrast paints, then a layer paint and black ink wash is just an insanely fast way to get stuff done. Also started using Vallejo textured mud on the bases so can maybe cut out a step or 2 and claw some more time back there.

Force just needs a bit of detail/interest on the bases (leaves and grass) and a matt varnish and should then be good to game with. Banners are all magnetised and I now have enough to be able to swap out for unit affiliations as needed.

Beasties almost completed.

Got some extra adds for the force assembled too – a unit of ungors (the old metals are really small compared to the 6th ed plastics but chaos is chaos…) some second hand minotaurs and gors, more centigors and a couple more converted chariots. Added some MDF sheeting to the back of the chariots over the axles as my suspension of disbelief will evidently only extend so far, and converted some chariot riders using banner arms for great weapon hafts. Had aimed to get these airbrush zenithal primed today but spent too long restoring some of the more beaten up Ebay procurements. Will maybe try to get to during the week but realistically it will probably be a next weekend task.

Beasties almost completed.

Finally, more dwarves based. Still a few units to prep but have enough for a core force assembled.

Beasties almost completed.

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