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Chinese/Soviet Army Team Yankee

Chinese/Soviet Army Team Yankee

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Taking a small liberty to field a T-64 unit

Tutoring 3
Skill 6
Idea 8

During the 1969 Sino-Soviet border conflict, the PLA was able to capture a Soviet T- 62 MBT. The captured tank was examined, and some of its components, such as the Soviet Luna IR searchlight system, were copied and integrated into the Type 69 design.

I’ve decided that they captured a unit of T-64 tanks,  a bit of a liberty,  in the same war. This will allow me to field this one unit of T-64 tanks as part of my Chinese army.

My next plan is to convert some T-55 tanks.

Taking a small liberty to field a T-64 unit
Taking a small liberty to field a T-64 unit

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warhammergrimaceoriskany Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

@warhammergrimace Great idea for an “atypical” unique look at a Team Yankee force. Strategically, if this war had ever actually started (God forbid) in 1985, I always found it a little unrealistic that it would be contained STRICTLY to Europe. A big reason the Cold War never went hot in Europe, after all, is the Soviets were also looking at a SECOND Cold War in the East. Those borders out by Mongolia are much more realistic place for a big Russian-Chinese showdown, because … well … it actually happened now and again (unlike any shooting war in Germany). T-64s are… Read more »

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