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Gokufan's Celestial Genesis: Jingwei

Gokufan's Celestial Genesis: Jingwei

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Glamour shots and a lesson

Tutoring 4
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Idea 4
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So, the final entry. Thanks for reading my project, I had a lot of fun with it even if I procrastinated a bit on writing entries. I also learned an important lesson, which I’ll get to in a bit, but first photos of the completed mini!

I think this is her best angle, so I positioned the eyeballs to work with itI think this is her best angle, so I positioned the eyeballs to work with it
I recently got a cheap phone tripod and photo booth (<$15 total) and I think it has really improved my mini photography noticeably (just ignore the wrinkled backdrop)I recently got a cheap phone tripod and photo booth (<$15 total) and I think it has really improved my mini photography noticeably (just ignore the wrinkled backdrop)
Another good angleAnother good angle
You can see where I had to whittle down the acrylic rod I mounted her on here. Protip: do any heavy duty drilling required before painting/assembly to avoid needing to do things like thisYou can see where I had to whittle down the acrylic rod I mounted her on here. Protip: do any heavy duty drilling required before painting/assembly to avoid needing to do things like this
i got my eye on ui got my eye on u
full circlefull circle

Anyway, on to my harsh lesson! Notice how the whole assembly is about three times as tall as the base is wide? I knocked the damn thing over! Off a shelf! On to a hard wood floor! She broke into about 15 pieces, one of which I haven’t found. The rest are sitting in a box. This mini has actually been destroyed the entire time I’ve been writing this blog.

So here’s the lesson: make damn sure your base is heavy and wide enough for your mini, especially a “flying” minis like this. I’ve heard people talk about how “you need to use a flared base” before and I guess this must be what they meant. Sorry if I got your hopes up for something deep and philosophical, this is just practical.

I was honestly a little surprised how little breaking her bothered me, though (still a bummer of course). I pretty much accomplished everything I wanted to with the mini beforehand. I got plenty of pictures. I can reuse the base. I’ve got a lot of cool looking Jingwei pieces I might use as basing elements some day.

Anyway, that’s it! Thanks for reading my posts and looking at my pictures! I’m not sure when I’ll do another one of these but I definitely will because I love this range.

Uzeon laughs at your puny tiny bases! I feel like I've improved a lot on bases artistically since making this one, but on the other hand it's absolutely un-knockoverableUzeon laughs at your puny tiny bases! I feel like I've improved a lot on bases artistically since making this one, but on the other hand it's absolutely un-knockoverable

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Cult of Games Member

Such a shame your amazing work got knocked over and broken!

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