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Bobs Fictional Countries

Bobs Fictional Countries

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Forgotten Project update

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Idea 9
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Well with the release of WW III looks like I’m going to be updating this one.

Particularly as I have brought the British Starter box  , so my background blurb will need a bit of a re-read and update.

Appendix to Above.

Re reading my own blog, realised what my original plan developed into. Which was a Hammers Slammers type setting set in a 90’s Era setting. Strangely enough this was an idea GDW had with the old Twilight 2000 post WW3 game , when they updated for the World post the Soviet Unions collapse  though with lower intensity warfare. Sci fi has has explored the idea in numerous settings David Drakes Hammers, Jerry Pournelle(West of Honour , The Mercanarie  King of Sparta) are just a couple.

Now with Hand Wavium off the floor, my setting was fictional islands moved from the Far East to the Med for a series of high intensity high tech tank engagements using modified Team Yankee units   representing small Island states, rebels   mercanaries etc .

Right at the end to this project after describing the various Island nation states and Militaries   I introduced Mercs ( with Tanks yup I know financially unfeasible, but fun) with the Mallots Manglers, who use a mix of German and American tech)

So how to introduce my pending Brits with Challenger’s and Warriors ?

David Drake again provided thr inspiration in his ‘West Riding Yeomanry’ , which in mine become the “East……”.

I shall go into detail later, but are effectively a British Regular unit hired out by HMG to fight wars in HMG’s interests  ‘off the book as it were!.

Their is something of a historical precedent in this, as Oman effectively did hire SAS units   and advisers in its war with various insurgent during the arly 70’s and the French did it in the Congo with ex Foreign Legionnaires (Seige of Jabotville )



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