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144Artist Explores Lyonesse or My Journeys into Wolsung

144Artist Explores Lyonesse or My Journeys into Wolsung

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Grabbed Some Newbies

Tutoring 7
Skill 8
Idea 7

Necron099 and I recently attended a local game convention and with all the terrain I’ve completed as well as all the minis we have both finished, we were determined to set up at least one Wolsung game.  As he hadn’t made the cutoff for an official convention role playing game Sunday morning we decided that was the perfect opportunity.  There was also a couple of couples who hadn’t made the list and were looking for a game to play.  The four of them played some traditional board and card games but the amount and variety they discovered at the convention (a first for all four) blew their minds.  Necron099 and I decided to set up small skirmish and coach them through the details.  All four of them took right to it and with the two women being actual sisters an instant grudge match ensued.  The whole fight ended up on the roof of the highest building with the Inventors bidding a Queen of Hearts for one more turn while the Ash and Oak team won with a King of Spades thus ending the game before their hero could be overwhelmed.

After that, Necron099 and I set up a long awaited one on one but that is a story (and pictures) for the next post.

Here I am checking deployments for Ash and Oak...Here I am checking deployments for Ash and Oak...
While Necron099 helped the Invenors strategize.While Necron099 helped the Invenors strategize.
Lots of levels, stairs, and things to hide behind.Lots of levels, stairs, and things to hide behind.
Hmm, those stairs aren't really attached.Hmm, those stairs aren't really attached.
I love the way that wall of windows looks.I love the way that wall of windows looks.
Grabbed Some Newbies
Ash and Oak deployed behind the factory and split up before moving toward the Inventors.Ash and Oak deployed behind the factory and split up before moving toward the Inventors.
Here is our table set up.Here is our table set up.
The troll, Fredrick, charging through machine gun fire to attack the deadly little Jack in the Box.The troll, Fredrick, charging through machine gun fire to attack the deadly little Jack in the Box.
In the end, Fredrick took down the lethal toy but was quickly surrounded by angry Inventors. By winning the bid to end the game at three turns he avoided being swarmed.  In the end, Fredrick took down the lethal toy but was quickly surrounded by angry Inventors. By winning the bid to end the game at three turns he avoided being swarmed.

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Since the new people were basically role players, they could get into the character combat style that Wolsung has.

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