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Godtear Ascended Pledge Painting by Lawnor

Godtear Ascended Pledge Painting by Lawnor

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17/02/2020 - All Finished!

Tutoring 2
Skill 5
Idea 4

I entered the weekend with one days work left to go, and an unexpected toddler wanting to play with me, so I was just about able to finish everything Sunday night.

Finvarr, Lord of Mirages...Finvarr, Lord of Mirages...
... and the Shadow Sentinels and Banner.  Despite them looking mostly black, the only black on them is a Nuln Oil wash.  Everything else is a colour or a grey.... and the Shadow Sentinels and Banner. Despite them looking mostly black, the only black on them is a Nuln Oil wash. Everything else is a colour or a grey.
Lorsann, The Autumnal Wind...Lorsann, The Autumnal Wind...
...and the Mistwood Rangers and Banner...and the Mistwood Rangers and Banner

And there we have it.  an 86 model Kickstarter fully painted in under 3 months since it arrived (First post Nov 25th 2019, last post Feb 17th 2020).  A new personal best.  And its done with enough time for me to do a project or two before 126ish Reichbusters minis arrive (Due in Antwerp Feb 28th, then being shipped to backers soon after).


Here are some group shots:

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lawnorbeardragon14 Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

Well done mate. Your work is lovely. Truly an achievement to be proud of! Can’t wait for your next project. B.

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