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Evilstu's Fantasy Progress 2020

Evilstu's Fantasy Progress 2020

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Free movement trays...

Tutoring 3
Skill 8
Idea 9
1 Comment

Having knocked out the bases form a sheet of MDF I noticed the remaining frame could be easily chopped up and made into movement trays (or left as is for a 50 strong horde of course…). the slight couple of mm offset between minis does help them rank up better, and every gamer I’ve ever played against has worked out combat on the base size the minis should be rather than how big the movement tray is so that shouldn’t be an issue. Anyhow, I split one down the middle, will just need to glue a backer on to the second half and then affix both to some cardboard, spraypaint and flock and all sorted.

Frame from 20mm MDF bases from 'Back to Base-Ix'Frame from 20mm MDF bases from 'Back to Base-Ix'
MOM miniatures dwarf clansman ranking up nicely in their new home...MOM miniatures dwarf clansman ranking up nicely in their new home...

Also got some of the MOM Miniatures Dwarf Warriors assembled, another 18 to go. Plus an engineer character to accompany.

Free movement trays...

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Very smart idea!

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