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Elessar2590's Darkstar Campaign

Elessar2590's Darkstar Campaign

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Finally Painted my Fleet

Tutoring 2
Skill 3
Idea 3
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HMS Swedish KnightHMS Swedish Knight
HMS JuneHMS June
HMS PellewHMS Pellew
HMS BurkeHMS Burke
HMS WillsHMS Wills
HMS BurnabyHMS Burnaby

Hopefully @oriskany and I can work something out where I can take some of his sketches and turn them into 3D Models for everyone out there to make their own fleets. No pressure Jim just an offer.

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Cult of Games Member

Okay, do you guys have ANY IDEA how great this makes me feel, to see people spending time, talent, and effort into making pieces for a game that was barfed out on my dining room table? I like the elevated bridges on the Pellew and June, and especially the “roll bar” on the Swedish Knight? Many, we gotta get these ships in another online battle! The British are still “up against it” in the Hercules Rim! Regarding sketches, like I said on the other thread: People may notice that while Darkstar design sheets are very detailed in crew, power requirements,… Read more »

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