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Evilstu's Fantasy Progress 2020

Evilstu's Fantasy Progress 2020

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Base coats on to beasties

Tutoring 10
Skill 12
Idea 12

Used GW’s contrasts to get base colours on to the minis quickly while watching TV. Gulliman Flesh on the flesh areas, Gore Grunta Fur on the fur areas (this pain allocation is sort of writing itself really…) and Nazdreg Yellow on all the wood areas. then AP Gun Metal on all steel areas, AP Skeleton Bone on horns and hoofs, VMC 70.801 Brass on all the Khorne iconography on the Khornegor unit, and VMC 70.982 Cavalry brown used as the red colour on the Khornegors.

From here a black wash on the areas covered with regular paint, then hitting the remaining cloth using the white half of the Vallejo ‘Black and White’ paint set as it should provide a good contrast with the fur and base colours (going for dark brown and dark green on the bases for a shadowy ‘forest path’ look, maybe with a few fallen leaves for a hint of colour. A mushroom if I’m feeling fancy…).

So once these are finished just need a Khorne beastman hero with a great weapon (can proxy a Slaanesh one in a pinch) and a chariot and I’ll have a 500 point list tabletop ready.

Contrast paints over a zenithal airbrush preshadeContrast paints over a zenithal airbrush preshade
Khorngor unitKhorngor unit
Beastman herdBeastman herd

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They look well. What do you zenith in?

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