Returning to the Hobby
Shaking off the Rust Cont.
I would end up doing a similar process on his sleeves. I did not get any photos as I was focused on trying to get it done in one lunch break. After the main robe was finished, I then needed to tackle the green hood. It had the same wash issue that I had on the main robe. I wanted to get some more progress done before spending another hour trying to blend. So I tackled the dark green sleeves. I spend a lot of time watching tutorials, reading other painters WIP posts. One thing that I have never quite understood was the concept of highlighting to white. To me, it just doesn’t seem right.
To show what I mean. I took a quick photo of the hoodie I was wearing. You can see where the light is hitting the higher ridges. Sure it is a lighter color, but it is nowhere near the white of the stripe. For the dark sleeves, I used a Reaper Christmas Wreath to highlight the sleeves. I think that it turned out pretty well. I also spent some time highlighting the book that he is carrying.
It was now time to work on his hood. I did not take photos as once again; I was working fast. I ran out of time before I could glaze the layers together.
At this point, I felt like there was not enough left to do that it would keep busy for a full lunch break. So the wandering monk is now on his way home for finishing touches. Speaking of home, I was able to get a little bit more work done on the two orcs. I finished base coating them. Once again, I added slight differences to each of them.
I know that it looks like I missed the wood on their shield. It is actually Reaper Ancient Bark. I wanted to experiment with a different looking wood then the basic brown. I am going for a weathered wood look. Here is my reference photo.
With both of them, base coated, I gave one a wash using a wash of Secret Weapon Miniatures soft body black and one with Reaper’s sepia wash. I had not tried the reaper washes before and I wanted to get a feel for them and what better to experiment with than a bog-standard orc.
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