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Conversion Challenge with the Missus

Conversion Challenge with the Missus

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Been far too long

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So green stuffing is kinda hard.So green stuffing is kinda hard.

I honestly didn’t like the results so I put it away on a shelf. I needed practice. New year, new army, new project and all that I picked something up I have wanted to do for a long time. Beastmen!

Before that I painted up a few things first. Reignite my confidence a little. Here’s a few things that I was up to.

Beasts of Chaos, part of a Yearly Hobby Pledge that I should make. Easier to commit to a pledge that you have already started, run with momentum and all that.

I’ve always liked the Minotaur (Min-uh-tawr)  or now Bullgor (everyone can say that the same way) models, big muscular but not hairy enough. The perfect test subjects for some green stuff experimentation. Muhaha

I used the curved tool that comes to a point, to press into a rolled out sheet of green stuff that was applied over the model. Applying it thicker worked out better, I thought thin would be best, like paint but no.

Start off thick, then push it around with the tool to create a more defined fur pattern. I might try filming it, next time I need more fur. Easier then explaining it.

I really liked how this has worked out, a few gaps still but I think I can fill them in without too much fuss. Next step is figuring out a paint theme to go with.

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