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Mo fun with WoFun Napoleonics

Mo fun with WoFun Napoleonics

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The French, basing question, and to colour or not

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 2

Hello, its been a little bit longer than planned, but here is an update on the Nappy’s.

I’ve ended up taking them into work so that I can work on these in relative peace, and have a fair few bits done…

The French, basing question, and to colour or not

So this is using enough figs for 4 bases (16 figs), and each of the specific 6 battalions for the French in the box, and the inf bases that came with the pledge that I believe i chose (I’m 35 now, the mind is slipping!).

I like the 4 figs rather than 6 figs (a) cos its less figs and am cheap (I was even before moving to Yorkshire), and (b) the lads fit better and easier.

However, I still had thoughts on what bases to use. I am primarily using Laselle by Sam Mastufa as my guide – I have numerous rule sets that I am flitting between but this was the set i could lay my hands on easiest! Hence the 4 base set up. One of the “recommended” basing set ups, still using 4 figs was 1.5 in x 0.5 in so i ordered a couple trial sets from the lovely and patient people at Warbases to see what I thought and the results are below.



I would be interested on any thoughts peeps have on this.

I prefer the 2×2 set up on the wofun bases for the look of it but am fairly happy with the single rank look as well.

If I go single, the slots will need a bit of tinkering to make them slightly longer to fit more figs – I tried a couple of Brits before I found a some that 16 would fit into the slots provided, but that is just tweaking, and would have been sorted if i had bothered to take accurate measurements.

The final question for the group is whether to colour in the sides or not. Steve/Torros mentioned it as a suggestion and am coin tossing the look v the additional time it will take

Hope this was interesting for anyone – I mean I’ll continue regardless but if there are questions anyone has then let me know.

Am going to finish all the infantry off before looking at the cav. I also need to source some Generals as that is one thing the range is currently missing.



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nogbadthebadtorrosAvernos Recent comment authors
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colour, LeonT66 has done it and it looks great.

Cult of Games Member

Looks much better coloured in

Does TTFN stand for Teeny Tiny Fighting Napoleonics?

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