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Wolf's Flames of war late war V4 update

Wolf's Flames of war late war V4 update

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Dead airbrush, varnishing and undercoat

Tutoring 4
Skill 5
Idea 6

Good Day everyone!

So tonight I’ve finished to put together the last remaining of the 2 shermans I have to do to complete the 1st company of US sherman tanks.

They were also undercoated black and zenithed with white, both of those with GW Rattlecans (not the best result as it was dark) but this will do.

The Panthers got some matt varnish on, but my usual airbrush kinda died after the first coat on the first 2 turrets. the air wasn’t being pushed outside instead my mix cup started bubling, I tried a bit more and t hen gave up. Using another one that I got which is a single action suction airbrush.

The experience was interesting and would be more suited for larger pieces and terrain I would say, as you need to spray at higher pressure and further away.

But I babled long enough, here is the picture!




Dead airbrush, varnishing and undercoat

you can also see the dead gravity fed airbrush lying there 😛

I’m not too fussed about it as with shipping it’s worth about 25 euros. Also realised tonight that my compressor is 5 years old and is still going strong, touching wood.

Yes I was playing with the layout tonight and testing stuff too

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I’m no expert when it comes to airbrushes… but I’m sure there are others on here who could suggest what is wrong with it.

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