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Star Wars RPG Campaign Setting (2019 & 2020) - Reactivated for May the 4th 2022 - Re-opened 2024

Star Wars RPG Campaign Setting (2019 & 2020) - Reactivated for May the 4th 2022 - Re-opened 2024

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The Correx Sector Gazetteer - Klueshem (Complete)

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Skill 2
Idea 1
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Note: Images created with some pages templates and content from deviant art, Pinterest and an internet search then modified in Photoshop CC2020.

The Correx Sector Gazetteer - Klueshem (Complete)

Klueshem a once a beautiful world of lagoons and islands was desolated when the supernova happened that completely desolate the surface turning it into a stormy wasteland. Over the centuries the planet has been turned in a world of junk and waste for the sector.

Nicknamed Junk World by the locals and home to the mysterious Junkers, the surface is covered with mountains of trash amassed over the generations along with a gutted of rotting hull of ancient starships poked through the more recent garbage, lending its landscape the eerie feel of an industrial graveyard.

Foul-smelling fog limited visibility, while huge pools of toxic sludge and periodic bursts of deadly acid rain made the hot, caustic planet’s ruined ecosystem one of the most dangerous in the galaxy. A mechanical debris field known as the Wreck Belt orbited the planet.

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