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Escape From Scarif

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Epsiode One... Our Only Hope

Tutoring 0
Skill 2
Idea 3
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Scene 5 – Lift Off
With the TIE’s only seconds away the ship lurches into the sky… it doesn’t sound great… but it gets into the air and the weapons come online…

It’s just the two TIE’s, so not insurmountable odds and communications problems on the planet will prevent them from calling for back up.

As soon as one is badly damaged, the other breaks off to warn the Empire of survivors. The TIE is faster and it would be unwise to pursue, but players will be players and you can never be sure what they’ll do…

Scene 6 – What a Hunk Of Junk…
When the ship and the rebel survivors reach orbit they see several Star Destroyers and a lot of wrecked Rebel ships. Searching the debris field for survivors to interrogate are Imperial Shuttles with Spacetroopers aboard. TIE’s are providing escort duty and patrolling the area.

The escaping Rebels can’t jump to hyperspace while they are in this debris field, so they need to get clear before they make the jump.

Time for the pilot to shine as he will be trying the navigate the debris field to avoid any further damage to the ship and he has to be stealthy if he wants to avoid any ‘Imperial Entanglements’.

There are options for some fancy flying into the wrecks of some larger rebel ships to hide… and if the players are feeling brave they can dock… search the ship for spare parts, weapons, supplies and even survivors…

Scene 7 – The Chase
Eventually their ship will be spotted, but the better their pilot has performed, the quicker they can exit the debris field and make the jump to hyperspace.

Make this battle a challenge, but not impossible… unless you want them to have to escape from Imperial custody… which is another story entirely.

With the destruction of the last TIE fighter, the ship gets free of the debris field and makes the jump to hyperspace… insert appropriate sound clip from the movie…

To Be Continued?
Where does the campaign go from here? Well that depends entirely on the GM.

This is just the beginning of a campaign for Star Wars that I will run at some point, but it won’t be for a while as at present I’m running Savage Worlds…

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