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Star Wars RPG Campaign Setting (2019 & 2020) - Reactivated for May the 4th 2022 - Re-opened 2024

Star Wars RPG Campaign Setting (2019 & 2020) - Reactivated for May the 4th 2022 - Re-opened 2024

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Overview of the Correx Sector Part 11

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Skill 1
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  • The Void: More of a myth than a real threat to transports and cargo within the Sector, it’s said to operate along the length of the Persei Rift between a collection of four planets including Klueshem and Ukeksaeph. It is said that ships will drop out of hyperspace without warning, in the middle of nowhere, only to be seized by and surrounded by some black void that closes in on the ship and eventually consuming the ship leaving no trace.
  • The Maelstrom: By far the worst marauders within the Sector, these vicious pirates plague a trading route called the Starburn Run between Teardrop and Vorzheva; they somehow manage to pull ships out of hyperspace and then jam comms and sensors. Their fleet is large, their strategies sound, and they have outwitted numerous attempts to crush them by local forces.
  • The Blood Reavers: Slavers, they are commonly found on the trade route between Ravenholt and Bramblewood, though they have been known to attack anywhere in the sector. Their erratic raids have thus far eluded local patrols, and though it is suspected that they have a relationship with the crime lord Baal Skath, local law enforcement authorities have yet to move against them.
  • Lord Deighton: The gentleman robber, known for his distaste of unnecessary bloodshed, he is still ruthless when it is required and his small but expert band of pirates can strip a ship of all its valuables in minutes.
  • The Hruirrsk Slayers: More of a terrorist organisation than profiteers or privates, the Slayers practice their deadly trade along the route between Ravenholt and Gweyr Krom. Entirely a non-human crew, they are notorious for slaughtering all human captives and sparing the rest. It is believed they are lead by a Trandoshan named Hruirrsk Kegegh.
  • Cajresis’s Revenge: A thorn in the side of the Hutt, Shasta’s Revenge carries out its vendetta against Hutt shipping heading into and out of Palauga. On the rare occasion that a non-Hutt ship has been boarded, the Revenge will release the ship without harm. They operate a small flotilla of vessels.
  • Other Unidentified Groups: Numerous lesser groups operate throughout the Correx Nebula; while most are desperate brigands, some are fronts for Rebel activity or other unknown organisations. Some are seen once but never heard of again, while others are simply small freighters who’ve simply fallen on hard times.

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