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Star Wars RPG Campaign Setting (2019 & 2020) - Reactivated for May the 4th 2022 - Re-opened 2024

Star Wars RPG Campaign Setting (2019 & 2020) - Reactivated for May the 4th 2022 - Re-opened 2024

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Overview of the Correx Sector Part 1

Tutoring 1
Skill 3
Idea 5

The Correx Sector is a small region of space limited to the confines of the Correx Expanse. Located on the fringe of known space with the hyperspace lane linking Teth to Correx Prime, the Correx Sector has been slow to relinquish its wealth and many planetary systems lie hidden and unreachable deep within the interstellar clouds of the everchanging maelstrom of space. It is believed that the Expanse is the remnant of a colossal supernova that occurred tens of thousands of years ago.

The Correx Sector (Map created in Photoshop CC2020)The Correx Sector (Map created in Photoshop CC2020)

Some notes:  I’m making this setting system-neutral, so anyone can use their favourite ruleset to run an adventure or full campaign within the Correx Sector. 

As you can see all the planets have names yet but I have marked the key imperial planets with a symbol of the empire. 

The values between each planet note the travel time in hours via hyperspace, the original WEG RPG the spaces had a hyperspace modifier that helped calculate the travel time between planets or systems.

I decided to keep that in as it helps with time events in the game, so, for example, the empire is moving a fleet to blockade a planet and the players have to get there and off again I would have an idea of how long they have.

Map of the galaxy I found on a Star Wars reddit to help with the location of The Correx Sector in relation to the know galaxyMap of the galaxy I found on a Star Wars reddit to help with the location of The Correx Sector in relation to the know galaxy

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grimwolfukoriskanypagan8th Recent comment authors
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Hyperspace travel in WEG 1st edition was slow… days or weeks to cross the galaxy. 2nd edition reduced it significantly and now in the movies it seems to take only a matter of hours to cross the galaxy which I feel takes some of the fun out of the gaming… and takes away a sense of urgency. How do you play a wookiee at holo-chess if you only have a few minutes travel time? I’ve been playing Star Wars RPG’s since the WEG 1st edition and still have those books along with a very tattered 2nd edition and last year… Read more »

Cult of Games Member

Epic work so far! I love the PS maps! 😀

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