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Christmas Napoleonic Challenge

Christmas Napoleonic Challenge

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Day one

Tutoring 1
Skill 2
Idea 2
First day in donegal and only one soldier was damaged in transitFirst day in donegal and only one soldier was damaged in transit
Do Contrast paints work on historic minis?Do Contrast paints work on historic minis?
So far so good for my first unit of French light infantry. I have to pack away for lunchSo far so good for my first unit of French light infantry. I have to pack away for lunch
After lunch progressAfter lunch progress
End of day. Nearly finished but time for dinner and being social with in-laws. I forgot to bring my colour guide but I think theses guys look alright. Need some tidying up tomorrow. Its hard to be tidy with contrast paints with detailed models but I'm getting there. End of day. Nearly finished but time for dinner and being social with in-laws. I forgot to bring my colour guide but I think theses guys look alright. Need some tidying up tomorrow. Its hard to be tidy with contrast paints with detailed models but I'm getting there.

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Cult of Games Member

How are you finding using Contrast Paints on Napoleonics? I have been considering it for a while…

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